



Leviathan II


Requiem for a river
A response to the increased pollution in Irish rivers and lakes. In Ireland over the last decade, the dairy and beef herds were increased, the shackles of regulation were off.

The result for rivers and lakes is a nutrient enriched environment in which our underwater ecology is severely damaged. Years on year, we lay down layer upon layer of poisonous sediment on the riverbed. The Oxygen becomes depleted and the insect life of the riverbed are smothered. Plants become shrouded in web like algae, a life and death struggle, a civil war fuelled by phosphorous and nitrogen. My relationship with the river formed because of fly-fishing. It taught me so much about the entomology and cycles of life in the river and the enormity of what is being lost.


Night River

The Dying Zone

Sway II


Leviathan III

The Gloaming

Last Waltz


The Grave

The Prisoner's River

Traffic Cone